Monday, January 2, 2017

What is the big deal about Headdresses?!?!?!?!

Headdresses have been very popular lately in Jamaa, and there has been alot of talk to whether or not they will ever be coming back. Well the answer to that is sadly no. Headdresses arrived to Jamaa in November 2010 they where sold for 200 gems and where for members only, the ones you see above me where later releases when it came out as an RIM. However All Headdresses where soon taken out of stores because AJHQ thought that selling a Headdress might be offensive to the Native American couture, and where therefore never sold or will be sold again. Though HD's have been taken out of stores they where never removed out of the game completely, the jammers that had the item in there possession when it was taken out where allowed to keep there HD's. Now these items are very rare and even the most unrare (white and bright purple) are still worth atleast a black long collar.

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